What Do I Need To Do Before The Exam?

Following a consultation, you will have the opportunity to proceed to the next step with a comprehensive NeuroStructural Chiropractic Examination. It is also possible to schedule the examination for a later time if you so choose. We offer a pressure-free environment and, as always, the decision is yours. The NeuroStructural Chiropractic Examination is extremely thorough, which means you should plan on allowing for no less than 45 minutes of your time.

What to expect in our NeuroStructural Chiropractic Examination:

The NeuroStructural Chiropractic Examination is specifically designed to detect the presence of Structural Shifts. If a Structural Shift is confirmed, a follow-up conference will be scheduled to review the results and go over your reccommendations. Our Chiropractors will explain the nature of your specific Structural Shift, what is wrong, the severity, options for care if we can help, what is expected, office procedures and expectations, and how things work should you decide to become part of our practice.

Would You Like To Schedule A Consultation?

Your initial consultation is an opportunity for you to sit down and have a conversation regarding your unique case, where we get to know you, and you can find out a little about us, before making a decision. The first visit is a guarantee, if we are not the right people to help you, we will find the person who is. The same as after the consult you feel that we are not the right people for you we will help you find right path.